Connect - Sponsors

Lead Sponsors:

Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management
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UAP Group

UAP Group

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Canada Life

Canada Life Canada Life is a leading provider of international investment bonds, estate planning and protection solutions in the UK. Our international business is based in the tax efficient jurisdictions of the Isle of Man (Canada Life International) and Ireland (Canada Life International Assurance) - two of the world’s leading financial centres, which are renowned […]

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Finance Isle of Man

Finance Isle of Man International Centre of Excellence International advisors and investors can feel confident they are doing business in a forward-thinking and well-regulated international finance centre. Businesses locating to the Isle of Man will find a stable political system and strong economic development ethos, a skilled workforce, leading technological and physical infrastructure, and a […]

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Associate sponsors:

Block Asset Management
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ESL Tech

Founders note: I have been building teams and technology solutions for over 30 years. A number of our customers return decade after decade because of the relationships and trust we have built. We specialise in Salesforce Managed Services which means we get your existing Salesforce implementation working well for the business and modify it to […]

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QB Partners

QB Partners QB Partners  was founded in 2009 by Andrew Dobson and David White. We provide independent  technical support to professional advisers and product providers and our areas of expertise are in international pensions,such as QROPS and QNUPS, cross border trust and estate planning, through our Qualified Trust and Estate Planning Service and wealth insurance […]

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