Partner Content Events

Private Wealth Management Summit

The 45th Private Wealth Management Summit, scheduled for 18 - 20 September at the prestigious Beverly Wilshire, A Four Seasons Hotel, in Beverly Hills, CA, is an exclusive, invitation-only summit that will bring together investors representing America’s Family Offices and innovative asset managers from around the globe.

This year’s speaker lineup includes:

  • Sharon Nassir, Co Founder, COO, AIRE investors
  • Kimberly Nelson, Investment Advisor, Coastal Bridge Advisors
  • Jerome Mellon, Head of Policy & Operational Support, United Nations
  • Richard Ward, Chief Investement Officer, Curated Wealth Partners
  • Stephan Chang, Managing Partner, CIO, Acrewood Holdings

For more information about the Private Wealth Management Summit, please contact Anna Iacovou at or visit


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