UK arm of Swiss portfolio manager wins £200m mandate

Bordier UK, part of the Swiss Bordier Group, has been awarded a £200m discretionary fund management mandate by Independent Wealth Planners.

Richmond House Investment Management [RHIM], the investment management arm of Independent Wealth Planners' (IWP) Hertfordshire regional office, has marked the first anniversary of its partnership with specialist asset manager Bordier UK, with a year of outstanding investment perfrmance.

Bordier UK was appointed investment adviser to RHIM and its clients' assets last June following a competitive tender.

Working closely with RHIM, Bordier UK advises the firm on the strategic and tactical asset allocation and risk management of six strategies, with each delivering between 4% and 10% outperformance in the year since launch on 1 June 2020. 

Bordier UK is presently managing some £200m across the six strategies.

Bordier UK highlighted that this was one of the biggest discretionary fund management mandates awarded over the last year.

The mandate has been marked by a year of exceptional investment performance, with each of six strategies delivering between 4% and 10% outperformance in the year since launch on 1st June last year. It's clearly a fabulous win for the Bordier UK team in an increasingly competitive market.

Jonathan Howard, chief executive of RHIM, said: "Over the last year, Bordier UK's experience and expertise has bolstered our in-house investment capabilities, helping us deliver excellent client outcomes as we grow our regional presence, this with the support of IWP's national brand and infrastructure. Our successful strategic partnership demonstrates the independence enjoyed by firms within the IWP Group, each benefiting from IWP's resources to access whole of market investment solutions, at institutional pricing, to give clients excellent investment outcomes at no additional cost.

"These one-year performance numbers across all six strategies present a strong foundation for the future and we look forward to continuing our partnership with Bordier UK, delivering ongoing value to our clients over the long-term."

Jamie MacLeod, chief executive of Bordier UK, added: "Bordier UK was awarded the RHIM mandate, which is we believe one of the biggest discretionary fund management mandates awarded over the last year, following a rigorous research process, and at the height of the pandemic. I am therefore even more proud of the success we have enjoyed, the client outcomes delivered and the close collaboration between our teams over these first twelve months.

"Working in partnership, we have achieved outstanding risk-managed investment performance over the course of the first year, across all six strategies. Our strong first year returns give us a solid base in our pursuit of our shared long-term investment goals and we look forward to building the relationship."

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