Omicron cryptocurrency soars and falls as AJ Bell shuns crypto in new app platform

Omicron's DeFi token leapt more tenfold last week from $65 to over $700 after the World Health Organization (WHO) assigned the same name to the latest variant of coronavirus.

It had fallen back to $352.86 at 1615hrs UK time today (29 November) according to coinmarketcap.

Omicron the token, which its website describes as "a decentralized treasury-backed currency protocol," was reportedly launched on 2 November.

Meanwhile, wealth platform provider AJ Bell said it had no plans to allow cryptocurrency to be traded on its new commission-free trading app now or in the future, according to Proactive Investor today (29 November).

The new app-only investment platform called Dodl is to debut in the first half of 2022, with the aim to appeal in particular to new investors.

The low cost platform will have an annual charge of 0.15%, with no commission for buying or selling investments and no tax wrapper charges.

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