Tillit, a new investment platform founded by ex-Baillie Gifford manager Felicia Hjertman, has launched to the public today (24 November).

The DIY platform aims to "help retail investors make better long-term investment decisions" through a handpicked offering of funds, trusts and ETFs, along with a focus on clarity.

All products available on the platform come with a "one-sentence elevator pitch" alongside qualitative content in order to support investors make informed decisions.

Tillit comes with a single annual platform fee of 0.4%, which reduces by one basis point annually until it reaches 0.25%, with no dealing or dividend collection fees.

The investment universe currently consists of 95 products across different asset classes, styles and structures.

Founder and CEO Hjertman (pictured) said: "We are very excited to be opening our doors to the public after spending the last few months in private beta.

"We have received fantastic feedback from our early adopters and have refined the user experience, added new features and made numerous improvements in the last few months to make it work even better."