II Lat Am Forum 2024 takes place one week today - agenda updated

The Third Annual Investment International Latin America Forum 2024 takes place one week today and below is the updated agenda.

This event which takes place at Auditorium, Zonamerica, Montevideo, Uruguay is full booked, but we are still adding to the waiting list in case anyone drops out.

To join the waiting list for delegate places please click here.


II Lat Am Forum 2024 Agenda

Date: Wednesday September 25, 2024, Venue: Auditorium, Zonamerica, Montevideo, Uruguay.


08.45am - 09:15am

Registration and Coffee


09:15 - 09:20

Welcome Remarks 

Investment International Publisher Gary Robinson opens the event.


09:20 - 09:55

Main Sponsor Session - Investors Trust 

II Lat Am Forum 2024's lead sponsor is once again Investors Trust. Now in its 22nd year, the company is a key provider of solutions and service in the Lat Am region.


  1. Gustavo Otero - Head of Distribution Latam & the Caribbean
  2. Carlos Pombo – Senior Business Development
  3. María José Tito – Business Development Manager
  4. Sebastián Zelaya – Business Development Manager


09:55am – 10:20am

Sponsor Presentation 2 - Hansard 

Speaker: Mark Winstanley, Sales Development Manager – Latin America

Topic: Mark will be sharing the results of Hansard’s Latin America Adviser Survey, a multi-country overview of adviser habits, trends & expectations.


10:20am - 10:45am

Sponsor presentation 3 - Marlborough 

Speaker: Rod Guest, International Sales Manager, Marlborough

Topic: Rod will outline the company's key funds and overall proposition and reveal how it is the perfect fit for partnerships with advisory firms, brokers and wealth managers.


10:45am - 11am

Morning Networking Break


11:00am- 11.25am

Sponsor presentation 4 - Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management

Speakers: Daragh O'Sullivan, Business Development Director Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management a will introduce the session and Justin Oliver, Chief Investment Officer - Funds, Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management, will speak about the benefits of investing in global diversified funds.


11:25am- 11.50am

Sponsor presentation 5 – Capital Vision

Speaker: Elbio Fernández, Director of Investment Solutions for the Southern Cone, Capital Vision


11:50am – 12:30pm

Industry Panel Session 1 - In this session we bring together some of the industry's key players from the advice and brokerage world to answer questions alongside selected spokespeople from our sponsors.

We will look at improving client outcomes, with an overview of ongoing changes and evolution of services, adviser connections, investment opportunities and the impact of effective taxation and trusts planning.


  1. Alex Higham – Director en Niveton International
  2. Ricardo Loaiza - Presidente Ejecutivo en Capital Financial Partners
  3. Agustin Queirolo - Managing Partner en AIVA
  4. Jorge Patalagoity – Director em ICG Company

Panel introduced by II Editor Mark Battersby

Moderated by Gustavo Otero - Head of Distribution Latam & the Caribbean, Investors Trust


12:30pm - 13:30pm

Networking Lunch


13:30pm - 13:55pm

Sponsor presentation 6 – Davinci TP in association with Investec will present this session.

Federico Vilaseca will lead this presentation


13:55pm - 14:20pm

Sponsor presentation 7  - Bowmoor Capital in association with Fairlight Capital.

Fairlight Capital's Alex Pay outlines opportunities with The Bowmoor Global Alpha mutual fund.


14:20pm - 14.35pm 

Afternoon Networking Break


14:35 - 15:35pm

Industry Panel Session 2 - Future Advice debate 

In this series of top-level global panel sessions there will be an important discussion on long-term future of international life and investment products and how product choice, flexibility and portability will shape future advice.

As with panel session 1 we bring together the industry's key players answer key questions - including some submitted by II readers - alongside selected spokespeople from our sponsors.


15:35pm - 15.45pm

Presentation of two II Awards 2024 Lat Am regional awards for advisers/brokers – Advisory Best Practice and Excellence in Client Service (Advisers)

Followed by Closing Remarks and Prize Draw


15:50pm- 18:00pm onwards 

Post Event Networking Drinks/Cocktails 

  • This event is being planned to also include accredited CPD hours and official certification for the sessions.





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