Goldman Sachs Asset Management has appointed Jen Sisson as head of stewardship, EMEA, effective June 2021.
Based in London and reporting to global head of stewardship Catherine Winner, Sisson will lead the firm's stewardship efforts across EMEA, including proxy voting and direct engagement on ESG issues.
She joins the firm from the UK Financial Reporting Council (FRC), where she spent four years, most recently as deputy director of stakeholder engagement and corporate affairs. In her time with the FRC, Sisson led policy outreach on ESG, audit and reporting, including the creation of the 2020 UK Stewardship Code and the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code.
Sisson also 13 years at PwC, joining as manager in the banking and capital markets assurance practice in 2004, and leaving as a senior management in the corporate reporting and investment community engagement team.
Fadi Abuali, chief executive of GSAM International, said: "We are delighted to welcome Jen as we continue to strengthen our EMEA team in strategic areas such as ESG.
"Jen's expertise will be of great benefit to our clients as we continue our pioneering engagement efforts on critical topics such as climate transition, diversity and inclusive growth."
Winner added: "Jen has extensive experience in company engagement and will be a valuable addition to our stewardship team as we continue to work with companies in pursuit of a more sustainable and equitable investment environment. I look forward to welcoming her to the business."
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