Former PFS CEO Keith Richards to speak at FEIFA annual conference

The Federation of European Independent Financial Advisers (FEIFA) is to feature Keith Richards, former CEO of the PFS and now chairman, Financial Vulnerability Taskforce, as a keynote speaker during a full day of presentations at the Hilton London Tower Bridge Hotel on Monday 25 April. 

With an introduction from FEIFA CEO Paul Stanfield, the annual conference at this London venue will be broken up into four sessions, with presentations, an interactive panel session and keynote speeches throughout.

Stanfield said there is "an excellent range of speakers and companies have presented in past years, and we have a line-up of similar quality arranged for this event. 

"The structure and schedule provide a very diverse day, with significant professional development and training benefits for attendees.

"Each delegate is eligible for a CPD Certificate, issued by FEIFA, confirming the number of hours of training received."

For more details about FEIFA click here. 

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