Capital Group expands Luxembourg range with European Opportunities fund

Capital Group has added to its equity fund range for European and Asian investors with the launch of a strategy that invests in European companies across the market cap spectrum.

The European Opportunities fund, structured as a Luxembourg-domiciled UCITS, will offer investors access to a strategy that was previously only available as a segregated account in Europe and Asia.

Capital Group said the strategy was "resilient", having returned in excess of 5.5% per annum over the past five years.

The new fund will invest in companies that are not "primarily reliant on the health of the domestic European economy" and that have a global client base, providing diversified revenue streams.

The portfolio managers, London-based Michael Cohen and Kymisis Lawrence, and Patrice Collette, based in Singapore, will be supported by research analysts who are allocated part of the fund assets to manage, the group said.

The fund will sit alongside Capital Group's existing European equity fund, the European Growth and Income fund.

Martyn Hole, investment director at Capital Group, said: "Europe is home to leading companies whose profiles are difficult to find anywhere else in the world - luxury goods and online shopping are good examples.

"European Opportunities is a great example of the breadth and depth of our research capabilities, helping investors access European investment opportunities from a truly global investment perspective."

Alexandra Haggard, Capital Group's head of product and investment services for Europe and Asia (pictured), said the group had launched 12 Luxembourg-domiciled funds in the past five years and had "ambitious growth plans" in Europe and Asia.

"This latest launch continues the build out of our differentiated yet complementary Luxembourg fund range to serve clients in the years ahead," Haggard added.

The fund has a management fee per annum of 0.75%.

(First published by our sister title Investment Week)

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