The UK's Personal Finance Society (PFS) is set to meet early this month in order to "consider its response to action taken by the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII)" in December.
The confirmation of the next PFS board meeting was published in member communications on 30 December and comes after the CII controversially appointed a number of its own directors to the PFS board last month.
The CII said the 21 December move came on the back of "significant governance failures" that it has unearthed, with the appointments making the number of CII representatives on the board equal to the representation of the PFS.
In the most recent PFS member statement, chief executive Don MacIntyre said the board "would be meeting early in the new year".
"Members wishing to express their views about the actions taken by the CII in advance of the board consultation can write to me," he added. "Under the PFS' articles of association, the PFS has 30 days from the date of the notice (19 January), to consult members on this change of control. Consulting PFS members will be the urgent priority of the newly constituted PFS board."
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