The Trump verdict, the future of cryptocurrency and personal bitcoin ownership were among topics addressed by US Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jnr. at a crypto event in the US yesterday (30 May).

Consensus 2024 attracted over 15 thousand crypto attendees ran at the Austin Convention Centre, Texas until today (31 May),  with the event organisers also saying this was the first year the conference had seen such heavy attendance and support for digital assets from political figures.

The Environmental lawyer, and now maverick presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr (pictured below) drew hundreds of additional attendees to the conference, from investors to media to start-ups. During his on stage panel, he was asked about his thoughts on the Trump verdict.

He said: “I think this is the weakest case people brought against him, my belief is that it will end up helping President Trump among a large part of the American public. I’m not a fan of Trumps, I’m running against him. On the debt, he ran up eight trillion more than all presidents combined, he shutdown our country after promising he was going to run America like a business, he embroiled our country in foreign war, the division in our country is largely down to him and Biden and it’s not a good thing for our country.”

As news broke during an earlier press conference at Consensus 2024, he added: "I've been disciplined about not commenting on the court cases and talking about issues that I think are of deep concern to Americans, and not the issues that, you know, are being used to divide us, the culture war issues.”

He also spoke about the issues currently facing cryptocurrency, and, in an earlier press conference announced he owned bitcoin and that he gifted the digital currency to his children.

“I think transactional freedom is one. We need sovereignty over our own wallets, transactional freedom, and a currency that is transparent. We need to make sure America remains the hub of blockchain technology. I’m going to make sure crypto currency is regulated in a way that protects the consumer from deceptive schemes. I purchased twenty one bitcoins since I started this campaign. I also bought three coins for each of my kids.”

Son of US Attorney General and Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and nephew of 35th U.S. President John F. Kennedy, RFK Jr, is a member of one of America’s most influential political dynasties.

After dropping his democratic bid in October of last year, RFK Jr is campaigning as an independent candidate for the upcoming 2024 presidential election. Throughout his campaign, he has been a vocal advocate for cryptocurrency and recently proposed putting the entire US budget on the blockchain.