Shareholders at investment bank Numis have voted in favour of the acquisition by Deutsche Bank at two meetings yesterday (21 June).

In a regulatory filing, the investment bank said the all-cash deal, which was being implemented via a court-sanction agreement, has received the approval of its shareholders at both a court and a general meeting.

Deutsche Bank to buy Numis for £410m

At the court meeting, 97.7% of shareholders approved the acquisition, whereas at the general meeting, 99.9% passed the special resolution to implement the acquisition and authorised Numis directors to take any action necessary for its completion.

The M&A deal will see Deutsche Bank acquire all issued and to be issued share capital of Numis for £410m.

The investment bank explained the sale was still subject to receiving the sanction of the court, and is expected to finalise in the last quarter of 2023.

Numis added it will make an application to the London Stock Exchange, before the takeover is effective, to cancel the trading of its shares on AIM.

Following the announcement of the acquisition in April 2023, Numis' share price surged from 204p to 341p, according to data from LSE.