The membership vote to sell mutual insurer LV= to Bain Capital has failed after too few members voted in favour of the deal at the Special General Meeting.
While 69% of the 174,240 members present at the SGM voted in favour of the deal with the private equity firm, it fell below the 75% threshold required for the deal to pass.
"Although 69% of voting members supported the Board's recommendation and voted in favour of the transaction with Bain Capital, the Board is disappointed not to have achieved the outcome that we believed was in the best interests of LV= and its members," said Alan Cook, chairman of LV=.
LV= said the controversial deal, first announced in late 2020, would present the most positive outcome for all members including £111m in one-off member payments and a £101m increase in future with-profit policy payout enhancements for LV= with-profit policyholders, according to the mutual insurer.
Cook said he would step down as chair once "a way forward is agreed".
He said: "As a Board, our fundamental responsibility has always been, and will always remain, ensuring the best interests of our members. We are also deeply aware of our duty of care to LV='s people and we will continue to do everything possible to find a solution that can deliver a continuation of the LV= brand and security for our 1,300 employees.
"The business is trading strongly and remains appropriately capitalised. As well as driving an improved trading performance, our CEO, Mark Hartigan, has delivered on the Board's requirements throughout this strategic process. The Board continues to provide its absolute and full support to his ongoing work to address the long term challenges facing LV=.
"We want to reassure policyholders that this outcome will mean no changes to their policies or our ongoing commitment to the highest standards of service from LV=. I would also like to say thank you to our people, who have worked so hard to support our customers during this process and to our adviser network who we will continue to work closely with, supporting both them and their clients."
A Bain Capital spokesperson said: "We were invited by the Board into this process and out of 12 bids the Board unanimously selected ours as the best offer in December 2020. Whilst approximately 70% of LV='s members voted for our proposal, we respect this outcome is not enough for our transaction to proceed.
"Our proposal for LV= was deemed to be the best for members, enabling LV= to grow, reduce its debt and maintain its proud heritage.
"It remains crucial that members are looked after and protected. We have always wanted LV= to flourish and become a leading company in the sector, that offers more consumer choice and creates more jobs."