The readers vote part of the Investment International Awards continues with subscribers of II being given the chance to have their say in who wins some of the biggest awards in the prestigious II Awards 2024, which will be beamed live across the globe on October 10, 2024.

II Awards 2024 – now in its 25th year – is the longest running and among the most prestigious of awards for UK and international wealth management and the cross-border financial services and advice industry.

Shortlisting for the awards has begun and all shortlisted candidates for all categories (see full list here) will be notified in the next few days. Readers voting (see list below) takes place from today on here and on II's sister titleInternational Adviser. Judging on all awards will also take place across the next two weeks.

All votes will only be valid from subscribers to Investment International's newsletter. Click here to subscribe.

Any votes cast that cannot be cross referenced with the II subscriber list may not be fully verified and will therefore not count towards the end result. II Publisher Gary Robinson explained the process further.


"We are proud to have been able to allow our readers and subscribers the chance to have have their say in these important awards listed below and have had this element across the last five years of these awards. With rise of AI, online bots etc it is important that our awards are fair and have equal opportunities for all to be able to win.

"By ensuring that all votes come from registered II subscribers, we are confident that the right people are voting on these important awards but also are trying to ensure that it is one vote per person.

"For the awards listed below these are decided in two ways. 50% is via reader votes with the other 50% of the votes coming from our judging panel from the submitted entries from all candidates.

"We combine the results of both and have a readers vote winner and a judges vote winner. We then combine and ultimately get our overall winner."

II Awards 2024 Readers Voting List:

Click here to vote and to view the shortlisted candidates for the II Awards 2024 Personality of The Year (Advisers)

Click here to vote and to view the shortlisted candidates  for the II Awards 2024 Personality of The Year (Industry)

Click here to vote and to view the shortlisted candidates for the  II Awards 2024 Unsung Hero

Click here to vote and to view the shortlisted candidates for the  II Awards 2024 - Best Emerging Talent of the Year (Advisers) - sponsored by IFGL

Click here to vote and to view the shortlisted candidates for the  II Awards 2024 - Excellence in Client Service (Advisers) - sponsored by Hansard

Click here to vote and to view the shortlisted candidates for the  II Awards 2024 - Excellence in Client Service (Industry)

Click here to vote and to view the shortlisted candidates for the II Awards 2024 - Company of the Year (Advisers) - Sponsored by RL360

Click here to vote and to view the shortlisted candidates for the  II Awards 2024 - Company of the Year (Industry)

Readers of both II and II's sister title International Adviser  will be able to vote for their favourites here on II and IA from  Tuesday September 24, 2024 for a period of 10 days (finishing at 5pm on Friday October 4, 2024) ahead of the II Awards 2024 ceremony which will be screened live to our global audience on October 10, 2024.

IA readers/subscribers can only cast a verified vote if they are also a subscriber of II as well.

The awards, seen by many as the Oscars of the international cross-border financial services world, honours both providers of funds, services and products as well as advisers, brokers and wealth managers.

Sponsors of this year's event include Hansard who once again sponsor the Excellence In Client Service Awards (Advisers), IFGL who sponsor the Best Emerging Talent (Advisers) category. Finance Isle of Man sponsor both the Best Employee Benefits Solutions Award and the Excellence in Innovation in Financial Centres Awards. Utmost once again are sponsors of the Excellence in Advisory Best Practice Awards.

All entries and subsequent votes will only be valid from subscribers to Investment International's newsletter. Click here to subscribe.

Click here to view last year's event.