II Connect 2024 - Meet the Speakers: Finance Isle of Man

The Third Annual II Connect 2024 event will take place on Thursday May 23 – in eight days time – at the Cavendish Conference Centre (Hallam) in London's Marylebone/West End.

Today's 'Meet the Speakers' segment will features the sessions from Finance Isle of Man – a regular highlight at II Connect 2024 (click here to register). 

In the first of two sessions Finance Isle of Man CEO Michael Crowe, pictured above, will address the delegates in the morning with an update from The Isle of Man Government relating ongoing projects across the full financial services spectrum. He will be followed later in the day by Simon Pickering, Head of Insurance and Pensions, Department for Enterprise who will be previewed in these pages separately in the run up to next Thursday's event in London.

"We are delighted to welcome Finance Isle of Man back for our third II Connect event," said II Publisher Gary Robinson. "It is particularly poignant seeing as we once again have a host of Isle of Man based companies presenting at the event from across the board. Indeed it is a testament to the broad range of businesses on the island to see a life office, an investment company and a blockchain investment firm on the same bill and all based in the Isle of Man.

"Both Simon and Michael are fantastic speakers and we are very lucky to have them both at this, our third annual II Connect event.

Michael joined the Finance Isle of Man Department after working in the Accountancy profession for 27 years. He was a Director at Grant Thornton Limited, and prior to that at PKF. Michael is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, the former President of the Isle of Man Chamber of Commerce and former Chair of the Isle of Man Society of Chartered Accountants. During his professional career he worked on the Island with a wide variety of clients and organisations of all sizes, covering all sectors of the local economy.

“My focus is on the future of the Island’s financial services sector, being part of the leadership team within the Department for Enterprise and Finance Agency and working to ensure that our economic success continues," he said.

There are still a limited number of delegate passes available for II Connect 2024 (click here to register your interest). 

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