Sycomore AM hires climate change specialist Erwan Créhalet for ESG team

Sycomore Asset Management has appointed Erwan Créhalet, a climate change specialist, to strengthen its ESG team and environmental expertise. He will report to Anne-Claire Imperiale, head of sustainability.

Créhalet (pictured) has 17 years’ experience incorporating climate change and energy transition issues into investment decisions.

His mission at Sycomore AM will be to further embed climate-related considerations into our SRI strategy, bringing valuable ESG expertise to the team with a specific focus on the energy and mobility value chains.

Créhalet will work closely with the investment team responsible for managing the Environment range and will take an active part in the deployment of the Natural Capital strategy, working alongside our biodiversity specialist, Clémence Bourcet.

Imperiale said: "His in-depth understanding of the financial ecosystem, combined with expert knowledge of climate change issues, will be instrumental in advancing our long-standing efforts to implement a focused and disciplined SRI policy."

Créhalet began his career in 2006 at Crédit Agricole Cheuvreux before joining Exane BNP Paribas in 2014 as an ESG equity sell-side analyst and climate change specialist.

In 2017, he moved to Crédit Agricole CIB, where he served in a similar role within the credit research department.

In 2019, he joined Amundi as an ESG buy-side analyst specialised in energy transition, with a focus on the Oil & gas sector.

In 2022, he moved back to Credit Agricole CIB to head the ESG and Climate Expertise.

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