SURVEY: Help shape the debate with Hansard Adviser Pulse survey - MENA

Ahead of the upcoming International Investment Middle East Forum, on November 2 at the Shangri La Hotel in Dubai, Hansard is conducting one of its ever-popular ‘Pulse Surveys' with advisers based in the MENA region, the results of which will be shared at the event.

The survey has already had a really solid number of participants but there is still time to make your voice heard and take part before the results are shared at the event November 2
The survey features a series of six short, simple questions will reveal the views & thoughts of advisers in relation to new business generation ideas, new business expectations & threats to new business over the next 12 months.
The results will also be shared via International Investment in a special feature following the Middle East Forum event so please take the time to complete the survey today!

Click on this link to take part in the survey.
Adviser Pulse Survey | QuestionPro Survey

Click here to register for this event.  


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