Hoxton Capital Management said on 22 May it had reached a "significant milestone" in its tax department, reporting that since the beginning of the UK tax year on 6 April, it had successfully reclaimed over £1m on behalf of its clients.

The funds were recovered "despite the intricate nature of these transactions" and primarily stem from pension withdrawals and withholding tax deductions in the UK.

"This achievement underscores our commitment to delivering tangible results for our clients," said Chris Ball, managing partner at Hoxton Capital Management. "Our Tax Department has demonstrated exceptional expertise and dedication in reclaiming overpaid taxes, further solidifying our position as a trusted partner in financial advisory services.

"In just eight weeks since the start of the tax year, reclaiming one million pounds is a milestone," said Mark Routen, head of tax at Hoxton Capital Management. "This speaks volumes about the efficiency and effectiveness of our team, especially considering we're only in May, leaving ample opportunity to further serve our clients."

"Our meticulous approach and commitment to excellence have been key drivers behind this accomplishment," added Routen. “By working closely with our clients and staying abreast of evolving tax regulations, we continue to deliver exceptional outcomes."