The States Investment Board (SIB), responsible for overseeing investments on behalf of the States of Guernsey, has appointed Cambridge Associates as investment advisors.
The SIB was established at the beginning of 2022 following approval by the States Assembly to establish a specialist body to oversee all of the States' investment funds, form investment strategies, appoint investment advisors and investment managers to manage the individual funds, and improve the governance of the States' investment funds.
According to a press release from Gov.GG, Cambridge Associates will "act as advisor on all of the States funds, following a competitive tendering process."
Richard Crowder, chair of the SIB, said: "We look forward to working with Cambridge Associates, who will bring a high level of expertise on global markets which is important to ensure the best possible performance for the States investment funds."
Deputy Mark Helyar, Treasury lead for the Policy & Resources Committee, said: "The appointment of Cambridge Associates is welcome news and it is good to see the SIB making these key decisions, which is precisely what it was established to do. I also want to extend our thanks to our previous advisors IAM and Redington for all their hard work over the past few years."
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