Zurich removes Covid-19 underwriting rules

Zurich has announced it is rolling back the restrictions introduced to its underwriting as a result of the Covid pandemic.

The insurer stated it is "relaxing" the "small number" of restrictions it put in place in March last year in response to the pandemic.

Zurich said that these restrictions affected less than 1% of applicants suffering with chronic health conditions.

As a result, Zurich is now offering standard terms for life and critical illness cover for customers who have tested positive or had symptoms of Covid-19 as soon as they have returned to their normal activities, while standard terms are available for income protection to those who tested positive for Covid-19, but did not have symptoms, one month after they have returned to normal activities.

Standard terms for all products will be available for applicants that are self-isolating "purely where they have been in contact with someone with Covid-19 if they have not tested positive or had any symptoms."

In addition, the maximum sum assured for customers aged 80 upwards has been increased from £25,000 to £250,000, while the maximum level of underwriting loadings for all age groups has also been increased.

Nicky Bray, chief underwriter for Zurich's UK Life business said: "We will continue to carefully monitor the longer-term effects of the pandemic, though we're pleased to be in a position to relax our underwriting approach. 

"This has been less restrictive than many others and has meant that throughout the pandemic, we have been able to offer support to virtually all of our customers. However, these changes mean more people can access valuable cover. 

"Last year alone, our customers affected by Covid, were bolstered by payments of over £20m, with access to valuable support services."

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