WisdomTree targets post-Covid recovery with four sector-focused ETPs

WisdomTree has unveiled four sector-focused thematic ETPs that will seek opportunities in the post-Covid recovery, as well as the energy transition.

The ETPs consist of two leveraged and two short/inverse exposure funds to STOXX Europe 600 sector indices, including Travel & Leisure, Automobiles & Parts, and Oil & Gas.

Pierre Debru (pictured), head of quantitative research and multi asset solutions, Europe, for WisdomTree, said: "Our new launches give investors an even wider suite of products to choose from to express their investment views on the post-Covid economic recovery and the inevitable energy transition megatrend."

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The funds listed on the London Stock Exchange, Borsa Italiana and Borse Xetra today (2 March), and have management expense ratios of between 0.80% and 0.85%.

According to WisdomTree's head of Europe, the launches are designed to complement the firm's existing range of tactical products and are "specifically designed to help investors navigate dynamic financial markets and challenging economic climates".

The new tactical ETPs are:

  • WisdomTree STOXX Europe Travel & Leisure 2x Daily Leveraged  (2TRV)

  • WisdomTree STOXX Europe Travel & Leisure 2x Daily Short (2STR)

  • WisdomTree STOXX Europe Automobiles 2x Daily Leveraged  (2CAR)

  • WisdomTree STOXX Europe Oil & Gas 2x Daily Short  (2OIG)

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