SFC and CSRC agree 'deeper' HK China cross cooperation in Beijing meeting

Hong Kong's Securities and Futures Commission chairman Tim Lui and chief executive Julia Leung held a high-level meeting with the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)’s chairman Wu Qing in Beijing on 13 March. 

In a statement the SFC said that during the meeting, both sides took stock of the recent achievements of cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong capital markets and exchanged views on recent developments of each other’s markets.

"The two regulators also agreed to further deepen cross-boundary regulatory and enforcement cooperation and to promote coordinated development of the two capital markets, consolidating and enhancing Hong Kong’s status as an international financial centre."

The picture above shows the SFC’s chairman, Tim Lui (right) and chief executive officer, Julia Leung (left) met with the CSRC’s Chairman, Wu Qing (centre) in Beijing.

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