BlackRock's Fink among US business leaders demanding Congress certify Biden win

CEO of BlackRock Larry Fink is among a number of US business leaders that have demanded that Congress certify the election of Joe Biden as president, as incumbent leader Donald Trump and some Republican senators continue to attempt to overturn the result. 

More than a dozen Republican senators have pledged to join House colleagues in refusing to certify Biden's victory later today (6 January), causing a backlash from US business leaders.

In an open letter via the Partnership for New York City Group, Fink and other leaders said Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris' victory is now without doubt, with challenges to the result of the November election rejected by the courts, and "it is time for the country to move forward".

Urging Congress to certify the result, the letter warned that "attempts to thwart or delay this process run counter to the essential tenets of our democracy".

The letter added: "The incoming Biden administration faces the urgent tasks of defeating Covid-19 and restoring the livelihoods of millions of Americans who have lost jobs and businesses during the pandemic.

"Our duly elected leaders deserve the respect and bipartisan support of all Americans at a moment when we are dealing with the worst health and economic crises in modern history. There should be no further delay in the orderly transfer of power."

It follows a similar call from the CEO of the US Chamber of Commerce Thomas Donohue, who said efforts to "disregard certified election results… undermines our democracy and the rule of law and will only result in further division across our nation".

Donohue added: "The US faces enormous challenges that not only require an orderly transition of administrations, but the focus of the incoming Biden administration and the new Congress, and cooperation across party lines.

"We urge Congress to fulfill its responsibility in counting the electoral votes, the Trump administration to facilitate an orderly transition for the incoming Biden administration, and all of our elected officials to devote their energies to combatting the pandemic and supporting our economic recovery.

"In the coming days, thousands of Americans are expected to gather to voice their views. This is a fundamental right and we urge respect for all those who exercise their constitutional rights.

"Small businesses, local communities, and our nation pay a steep price when demonstrations turn violent and destructive, so it is critical that these gatherings be peaceful.

Similarly, senior advisor at Small Business for America's Future Renée Johnson slammed Trump's "blatant attempts to undermine the will of the voters, along with the shameful complicity of GOP elected officials".

She labelled the action as "damaging to our democracy and the stability our economy needs to recover".

Johnson said: "The Trump Administration's botched and incompetent handling of the pandemic and economic relief efforts has already made the road to recovery much longer than it should be.

"Suffering small business owners and ordinary Americans do not need another crisis that assaults our democracy and further destabilises our country."

This article was first published by our sister title Investment Week

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